Monday, April 1, 2013

Krishna's Dilemma

This happened after the ajnaata vaasa (live in hiding) at King Virata's Palace. Sometimes after the marriage of Abhimanyu with Uttara, Krishna came to meet Pandavas. Subhadra and Panchali were also with the Pandavas. Abhimanyu and Uttara had gone for honey moon.

Scene 1

(Place: The palace of Drupada. Time: Evening. Krishna and Arjuna were sitting and talking in the balcony of the Eastern palace to the left of which was the kitchen. Draupadi and Panchali were in the kitchen. Other pandavas are not in the scene.)

Arjuna: "Oh Krishna, when we were going through the vanavaasa, I thought that was the most difficult part. Then when we were undergoing the ajnaata vaasa, I thought that was the toughest part. Now when we are almost waiting for the war, I feel very tense."

Krishna: "Partha, don't worry, life is like that." (for a moment he wonders whether the Geetha should be told now, then decides in the negative)

Arjuna: "I am feeling happy also since there was a message from Abhimanyu that he and Uttara would be returning and reaching here tomorrow. I feel immense pleasure when they are with me.  But at the same time, when shall we have our own kingdom, palace, charriots, servants etc.?"

Krishna: "Don't worry about palace etc. Let the Gods decide"

Arjuna: "The other day Abhimanyu had asked me to get him a new charriot with two white horses which he wanted to drive himself.  I told him no. These days roads are crowded and I don't want him to drive the charriot at such a young age. I said I will get him a stallion instead."

Krishna: "mm.."

Ajuna: "Vasudeva, I am always concerned about Draupadi, Subhadra and Abhimanyu. What will happen to them if the war happens? The other day Subhadra got a cut on her hand while she was cutting vegetables. Seeing the blood oozing from her finger, I almost felt as if I am bleeding. I feel so much  empathy towards her and Abhimanyu; now to Uttara also.

Krishna: (deciding that this is the time to tell Geetha) "Dhananjaya, I wanted to tell you this. You should have no attachment असक्ति (Geetha. XIII.9) and no empathy अनभिष्वंगः towards your Son पुत्र"

Arjuna: "What nonsense are you talking? If I don't have attachment to Abhimanyu, then who will have? Who will share and empathise with his problems. Ok now Uttara is there, but she is even younger than him."

(dinner is ready and Subhadra starts towards the balcony to invite Krishna and Arujuna)

Krishna: "But Arjuna, this is the truth. You should have no attachment and no empathy with your wife दार. Should not have attachement to your home गृह also. Be detached from sense-objects आदिषु and try to live in places like forests and other solitary spots विविक्तदेशसेवित्वं (Geetha XIII.10)"

Subhadra: (just entering the balcony and hearing what Krishna said) "What do you mean my dearest brother? What are you saying? Of all persons in this world, my own brother wants to create a divorce between me and my husband. Oh Panchalee, come here. (Panchali rushes to the balcony) Did you here this. Krishna is trying to make Arujuna desert us and our children.

Panchaly: "My dear Krishna, what are you up to?"

Subhadra "Brother, it should have been you as our guardian, who should have intervened if Arjuna deserted us. I have never heard such an advice being given by a brother-in-law"

Arjuna: "They are right Krishna, how can I forget Abhimanyu and these two darlings?"

Krishna: "I did not mean it that way"

Subhadra: "Then in what way did you say?"

Krishna: "Forget it. I said nothing. Let us go for dinner"

Panchali: "If you give such advices again, then it would be we who get detached from you"

Krishna: "Ok, ok. Let's go and dine"
Krishna (Thinks to himself:  'my Goddess, what did I do?. Just one verse from the Geetha which I would tell lonely Arjuna in the middle of Kurukshetra! What would happen when the preachers in Kaliyuga tell the whole Geetha, in big halls, sitting on a stage with mike and loudspeakers, to all those house-wives who need to take care of their husbands, children and pets? To those youngsters who need to take care of their wife, children and households? I can't think of it. Oh Goddess, please prevail upon those saffron clads and other Geetha preachers in Kaliyuga, not to give sermons on these verses to general public at public places that too non-seeking and non-ready people")

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