Monday, April 1, 2013

Taking Destiny Into Your Hands

It was very disturbing to read Sadguru Jaggi's article in the Indian Express of 31 March, titled "Take Destiny Into Your Own Hands". This article looks like one which is taken from the middle of some discourse, because there are a lot of disconnects in it. Indian Express better stop publishing such articles because it serves no purpose, other than filling the "THE SPIRIT" page.

Spiritual discourse should not be given to everyone on the same subject, in the same doze, at the same time and space. It is utterly destructive than constructive. That is why our ancient Gurus did not go on giving sermons everywhere. The inquisitive disciple went to the Guru at his Ashram and the Guru after doing a Sishya Pareeksha (test of the disciple)  accepted him. Then he changes the Sishya alone, or with other disciples whom he considers are on equivalent pedestals.

This article talks about destiny, taking destiny into ones hands, going somewhere, move towards liberation, existing here and now, spirituality, God making your destiny, limited destiny, ultimate destiny, etc.

How can somethings be destined and some other things not! How would one know which is destined and which is not! There is an example of a river given. How does it compare to destiny? River is not intelligent like Man. The moment intelligence is built in, meaning of destiny changes. You don't know what would be the destiny of a river if the river was destined to be intelligent also. Jaggi says, "The accumulations that you have within you forms a certain attitude and tendency within itself and it starts moving in that direction"! How and when did you accumulate? You accumulated certain attitudes and tendencies because you were destined to.

He says "and if everything is destined about our life, how can a Guru change our destiny when he enters our life?". Well the answer is "a Guru enters into and changes one's life, only if one is destined to get a Guru and change it." He does not clarify how uttering the word spirituality makes one say "I want to take my destiny into my hands". One becomes spiritual only if one is destined to. Saying "I  want to move towards liberation" also is not taking one's destiny in one's hand. It means that one is destined to move towards liberation.

His assertion that "if you want to go where you want to go, you better take your destiny into your hands. Otherwise, you will exist here as an accidental being", is very confusing. In fact, you would want to go where you want to go if you are destined. And you would exist here as an accidental being if you are destined to be so!

The only good point in the article is the assertion that "an enlightened person is just like an utter fool.." because it is evident from upanishads, that a "jeevanmukta is like a mad man". But as Jaggi asserts, the way they would experience it will be different. 

"you have been told that God is making your destiny sitting there everyday ...".  God? This looks like being addressed to non-Hindus because for a Hindu, "Aham Brahma" - I am the God. So for a Hindu "a) everything about your life is destined and b) you are the God (Tat Tvam Asi) then you are creating your destiny. That way the whole article can be summed up into the above (a) & (b) assertions and consequential inference.


  1. ആത്മീയമാ പുസ്ത്കങ്ങളെല്ലാം പറയുന്നതൊന്ന് തന്നെ...
